Published in@AKQA_LeapBuilding with Flutter + Unity (AR Experience Toolkit)Wallace & Gromit: The Big Fix Up launched in January 2021, thanks to the collaboration between multi-award-winning independent animation…Apr 6, 20214Apr 6, 20214
Unity 3D in FlutterSome months ago I was asked to work on this project in the company that required me to embed Unity in a React Native project. This project…Aug 5, 20191Aug 5, 20191
Building IoT Realtime GraphQL API that scalesA few days ago I had the privilege of doing a presentation in ReatNorway even in Larvik, Norway where I talked about “Connecting sensory…Jun 15, 2019Jun 15, 2019
Do I need KendoReact for my next React App UIThere are several UI libraries in the react to help speed up the process in building react applications and one of the commercial products…May 24, 20192May 24, 20192