Building IoT Realtime GraphQL API that scales

Rex Isaac Raphael
2 min readJun 15, 2019


A few days ago I had the privilege of doing a presentation in ReatNorway even in Larvik, Norway where I talked about “Connecting sensory data to GraphQL in real time”. Because of time I barely just ran through everything without concrete and detailed explanation. I mentioned writing a blog about it during the event and this is the first and introduction.

I decided to write a series of blogs that would link to each other with each explaining and showing how we build enterprise scale solutions like this in our organization Dimension Four. Over the series of articles, I will take you through;

  1. Building microservices architectures in GraphQL and how to scale these microservices.
  2. Making the right choice for your backing store and how both your API and backend can scale.
  3. Securing communications to and fro from your smart things and your API
  4. Improving GraphQL subscriptions in you in your API.
  5. Improving UI response time in your React Application using different strategies with GraphQL subscription.
  6. Message Queues and roles they play in making your API reach billions of device.

Over the past few years, there has been a growing presence of smart things or IoT devices and according to Gartner, there should be over 7.1 Trillion IoT devices by the year 2020, being part of IoT is not only a smart choice but an inevitable choice as time goes on as a developer. One way or another, the services you build will be used, consumed or improve smart devices all around the globe. So it is imperative to start building applications.

In the series of blogs, I will be using Typescript for most of the code demos and Nodejs as the server framework for the demo, but of course, the same technique can be applied in several different languages and frameworks across board.

If you did attend the React Norway conf. thanks for having me speak to you and if not, please enjoy my thoughts as I share my experience in building IoT GraphQL infrastructure.



Rex Isaac Raphael

Senior Software Engineer/Architect, love to teach, and mentor leaves in beautiful Norway.