Do I need KendoReact for my next React App UI

Rex Isaac Raphael
3 min readMay 24, 2019


There are several UI libraries in the react to help speed up the process in building react applications and one of the commercial products that stand out is the Kendo UI library by Progress. So you might wonder what is KendoReact.

KendoReact aims to empower developers and business in “Building UI for business apps is hard work, even with React. Make it easy with our native UI & data visualization component library” — KendoReact. It strives to house a host of data-rich UI components and from Conversation or chat components to Gauges and even common UI components like buttons, you can see the components and demos here. It has at least 26 or more UI components and utilities to save businesses time from getting their product out in the market. I must say if there’s one thing I know about Telerik the founders of KendoReact from my days of .NET was they put the effort in supporting configuration in their components and makes setting up easy and straight forward.

What are the things you should look for in every UI component?

  1. As a front-end developer, some important features every component should have is the easy customization of the styles and colors as well as dimensions.

2. Are the components responsive or could be easily made responsive. How are the steps in making the components responsive?

3. Size footprint, what is the size footprint of the library when added to your project and the footprint.

4. And one last thing is what CSS libraries are the library written in, is it plain CSS, or saas or maybe so inline javascript styles.

Now after trying out KendoReact, It successfully meets these key factors and even has a theme generator application that generates themes that match the developer UI aesthetic requirements, and when it comes to size, the library is split it to smaller npm modules so you only install what you need in your application and not the whole components which is pretty good.

Let leave the big things and talk about the small things

A lot of these React UI libraries have focused more on either component for data-rich solutions or business or just plain simple flex like components which are great by the way. But what I would like even for KendoReact are layout focused components too, for landing pages and simple websites. I believe this would blur the gap between beginner and professional frontend developers because I believe motivation revolves around success and having simple and customizable layout components for building the most common websites would be or even landing page for the data-rich applications.

Finally, KendoReact is awesome if you are building a data-rich application or extending your existing project with data-rich react components, but not so much in regards to the simple landing pages and what attracts the customers before even testing out the platform or product itself.



Rex Isaac Raphael

Senior Software Engineer/Architect, love to teach, and mentor leaves in beautiful Norway.